Tuesday, August 20, 2013

animal of the week!!

The animal of the week this week is a mystery so whoever can  wins just tell me on comments!!
here are some pics its real easy to guess!
and here's a picture of the
 animal someone else drew
here is a picture a little kid drew!                             


Monday, August 5, 2013

animal of the week!!

the animal of this week is the Panda!!
 here are some pics!! hey gotta message for you save these adorable pandas so just stand up for whats right!!
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look at this cute panda wouldn't you like to still have them in our world??

animal of the week!

Thursday, August 1, 2013


 see this hamster well if you find anything like it then please tell me on comments!!                     

look at these other photos aren't they cute?
tell me!